Thursday, March 27, 2008


RJ told me she has been thinking about life. Well this was through sms so I did not ask further and neither did she elaborate. The first thing that went through my mind were a couple of words - osteoporosis and calcium.

Osteoporosis is one disorder that hits women and we should all be very concerned about delaying the process. Calcium is the key, right? I don't suppose the milk in my teh tarik and teh si counts, so other than that, I really don't consume milk or any other dairy products.

I need to get calcium pills pronto. What's a good brand? All the same isn't it??? It's just a matter of aggressive marketing and hence, different retail pricing (what does sis' voice keep ringing in my ear? FYI - she is in product marketing). So first, to battle with the Devil Procrastinator in me. *the problems that I*

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