Sunday, February 04, 2007

Baby Shower

My mind has been alternating more actively recently - to go or not to go. That is the question.

Debs is organizing a baby shower. She told me the theme and the maternity place which would be sponsoring this shower. There are rules for what I thought was a simple gathering. This set me panicking...and dreading.

Before Debs, I knew this other person (not close...thank God) who threw a baby shower. Rich, English-educated and a penchant for hosting anything. I should have known. :P And before this other person, I only knew "Miranda" of Sex and The City and "Ashley" of Junebug throwing them.

I guess it's just me - lazy and low-key (make that 'very' lazy). I guess if there is any way I can do to keep myself away from being the centre of attention, I would. Apart from my own wedding...and well, collecting a Nobel Prize (for ambitious wishful-thinking?!).

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