Wednesday, March 28, 2007


With ample time, of course you know I wouldn't pass the chance to indulge in my favourite past-time - watching movies which I had missed on the big screen. They are listed in no order of my preference but I would like to recommend them if you are NOT into big bang, Michael Bay-and-Jerry Bruckheimer styles.

1. Palindromes
I already enjoyed his unconventional Happiness which I bought from This one was even more unconventional. To benefit the ignorant (like me...before, Palindromes refer to words, phrases, sentences or verses that read the same backwards and forwards.

The main character was a teenage girl called Aviva (palindrome...there!) who wanted to become a mom regardless how and with whom so she went on an adventure to fulfil this deep-seated desire. This character was played by many different actresses which got me confused at first. But what I wanna share is the style. The characters who played the first few scenes also appeared in the last few scenes such that they made me realise even that was a symmetry, like a palindrome. I totally loved the originality.

2. 300
Why is it here? Because I can't believe I watched it (on the big screen actually) but I did. Only for the abs and goatee (of the guy who played king)...or for those who enjoy MTV, pretending you are watching a Korn or Nickelback performance. :P

3. TransAmerica
I don't think it came to Singapore, did it? Some scenes made me cringe cos of the boldness. I actually lent to my folks cos in the end, I felt it was still a movie not to pass for the same reason I cringed. Several touching moments between 'mother' and son too...and you know, I'm a sucker for tear-jerking stories (excluding Korean dramas I didn't forget to add so don't accuse me of being contradicting).

4. Clerks 2
I watched Clerks 12 years ago and quite recently bought the DVD to re-watch it. I still liked it. Clerks 2 was not shot in black and white so it was easier on the eye. But what wasn't that easy was all the main actors had grown old and fat. The dialogue was still witty and bastardy. It was made more enjoyable watching it with dudes like my M and Say. Heh.

5. Paris, Je T'aime
Many many short unrelated stories about love in different forms. Even rejected/unrequited love. Mostly in French...what else can I say? ;)

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