Monday, February 09, 2009

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust...

"I'm not a big cemetery man. I've never been.....

If you want to remember the dead - or rather if you want to see the dead, if you want to meet them, to see them smile, to reassure yourself that they are at peace now - then you have to look inside yourself. That's when you will find them. That's where the dead lives."

- One for My Baby
By Tony Parsons
*yes, I'm still reading. This guy makes me cry*

The reason why I decided to blog this is because just recently, few days before I read the paragraph in the book, I asked my mom if she still went to Mount Vernon Columbarium to pay respects to gong gong on the first day of Chinese New Year. She said she did and quickly added that after her death and dad's, sis and I should just scatter their ashes into the sea because on top of inconvenience *oops*, it doesn't make sense that the dead is lying in that urn behind the wall and that one's obligation shouldn't be just confined to going to a specific spot on certain days of the year.

This coming from my mom, who doesn't seem to have a care in the world, especially in academic pursuits in the past and who aced mainly in mahjong and Cantonese cooking...I was completely bowled over.

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