Friday, February 15, 2008

Go Green

I think many Singaporeans are still not very environmentally-friendly. I've noticed that they still do not reject plastic bags when buying a small item.

This morning on the way to work, I noticed an Executive lady struggling to chuck something into the dustbin. Curiosity overriding disgust, I peeped in and saw a few newspapers ("My Paper")!

Can meh??????

I'm not aiming to be the spokesperson of the latest green campaign but I do try my best. Maybe because nowadays when I'm out, I'm usually with my troops. To be a responsible parent emcompasses (almost) everything. It is rewarding whenever Becks, who's growing ever so fast, chimes each time she sees me rejecting a plastic bag: "Mummy, we don't need plastic bags all the time right? SAVE THE EARTH!"

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