Friday, November 30, 2007


I don't usually spend more than 5 minutes in the morning deciding what to wear to work. But today as I had to give a presentation to my new Managing Director, I found myself exceeding the quota (which meant I was potentially late since I always set the alarm clock with exactly enough time for my teeth-brushing, face-washing, clothes-changing, accessory-doning, 2-minute buffer, shoes-wearing).

I realised that I have a decent number of proper office attire but I have nothing for 'casual Fridays'. One should not take 'casual' too literally where an office environment is concerned. We still need to exercise discretion, for eg. no spaghetti-stapped top, no black bra with light-coloured tops, no VPL, etc. and as nobody in the office would be in more formal wear, being in Mondays-Thursdays attire would be screaming for attention.

Finally I settled on a combination which is what I always ended up in on Fridays. Very safe, i.e. very boring and very uncreative. I definitely need more 'in-between clothes'!

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