Friday, October 06, 2006

Wedding Dinners

Congratulations to D & E...their big day is next Monday, 9 Oct.

I won't be attending though.

Wedding dinners are NOT for re-connection, not as a gathering with other people whom I know or used to know well and definitely not with the couple (hello, would I be able to get past 2 sentences with you???).

There was an ex-colleague who emailed me out of the blue, inviting me to her wedding on 14 Oct. I barely talked to her during the days she was here, then a few MSN exchanges, courteous ones. I think she didn't not dislike me. When I told her I couldn't make it *yah rrrrright!*, she replied: "What a pity. I thought I would be able to catch up with you." ("replied" cos the whole communciation exchange was done via email. We dun even have each other's cell numbers. OK OK, I know point taken).

Bottomline is: Be sensitive to your guests. I know it's your big day but you want your guests to celebrate this big day with you...SO! Your guests are as important, if not, more important than you.

This is just me speaking...and I'm not asking for concensus.

But I am sincerely eagerly waiting to attend a few more wedding dinners of some real good friends...and my sister :P

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