Friday, December 22, 2006

(Not) In the Mood for Christmas

I really dislike Christmas. I may sound like a grinch if I go on .... actually it's more the (artificial) mood that is created nearing the festive season that I really dislike.

DJs sounding more perky than necessary, colleagues around me claiming excitedly they have 'no mood' to work (thank you very much - me too but I am still not well and have tons of work and a stoooopid deadline to meet for the e-project so please shut up), people talking about drinking and being merry, etc.

I was listening to this crisp angelic voice on Symphony 92.4 this morning, singing a melodious tune about returning home for Christmas....and I thought about the homeless. People having only garbage bags to use as blankets in the cold (in countries having winter now). I remembered Say once said (something like that) - having a White Christmas can be beautiful but the cold is a double-edged sword.

It's a strange sudden thought. Maybe it's just like why people dun eat meat, dun eat sharksfin. I can't rejoice because I remember the less fortunate (logical?). Are they forgotten already? Surely they must feel so much worse than me.

Thanks Phyllis, for sending that email. I kept thinking I was hitting mild depression (every year end of the year??!!)...but the answer is clear now. I am gonna do my bit, within my very limited humble means but it may mean I can finally get 'in the mood'. :)

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