Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Wonder Woman

I'm really referring to myself (not very modest ain't I?).

I mean it. Considering that my nights had been lousy for 2 consecutive times, having woken up at 3am this morning and being in the office looking sane and awake is one mean feat (and did I forget to mention I conducted a 2-hour system training session to the department this morning?) Yes, Mong's turn to fall ill. He vomited all the milk and plain water we fed him 30 minutes before.

So what is parenthood? I believed I mentioned once it's not for the weak-hearted. It is also defined as the role filled with the most guilt traps. But it keeps you grounded. You are reminded how strong you can be, when challenged physically, mentally and emotionally.

Having 2 troops gives me the chance to witness empathy at a young age. Mong and his sis share this silly game which I call The Bonding Game. I noticed that whenever Becks cried or was in agony (eg. when she vomited), Mong would start the game, attempting to cheer up his jie jie. Damn sweet.

PS: OK, I'm cheered. Angie my colleague just called me to say "4pm". That's code word for our pantry session. Teh tarik time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

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