Friday, November 10, 2006


I just dun get it. Sleep...sometimes it comes easily, sometimes not. Ceteris paribus. Why???

People would generally advise: "Dun think so much lah. Just close your eyes, relax, count ....."

Thing is, I can't sleep and hence I think! Not the other way round! And so last night, sleep eluded me after 4am. I was wide-eyed, thinking about what to do in the next few hours. Where my mom will be bringing the troops today (since Becks has no school), what time I am meeting :B for TT, which I should watch first - Sex, Lies and Videotape or The Hills Have Eyes (thanks to :B) this weekend, time to call up the aircon place to service the aircon (when?), when I'm sinking my teeth into a juicy steak, etc. You get the picture. An assortment of things. Chaos.

And so, after 2 hours later, I slept hour before the alarm rang. I dun feel so bad now...maybe not yet. And luckily I brought my spectacles. No more blurry images today! :)


PS: M is taking part in The Bull Run this evening. Heh. Ganbate!

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