Thursday, September 21, 2006

Black Coffee

I wish Boss will quit drinking his black coffee.

At about 10am every single working day, you will hear him sorting coins from his wallet, putting them in his pocket and heading out. To Starbucks downstairs.

These Japanese must really be highly paid. They cannot seem to bring themselves to consume the 3-in-1 or 2-in-1 available in the pantry. They must have this atas coffee costing an insane $5 per cup.

OK, I've digressed. Anyway, my concern is, his breath freakin STINKS! I swear I hold my breath each time he comes over and talks to me. It is a stunt - doing that, smiling and nodding all at the same time, trying to look like I am understanding every single thing he says when all I can think of is - wahlau, it really smells.

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