Wednesday, September 06, 2006 more?!

McD's has phased out the chocolate-flavoured ice cream for their waffle cones. The 95c ones. I found this out 2 days ago when I stood in line to buy one.

I CAN'T BELIEVE IT. Really????? Singaporeans prefer vanilla to chocolate ice cream??????

Many years ago, I already couldn't believe it that McD's stopped selling their milkshakes. Cheap and good. Maybe then I was the only one who loved it. But hey, it's been revived.

Once bitten, twice not shy?

1 comment:

Sherry said...

NO WAY!!!!!! I was crazy about Mac's milkshakes too way back then!!!!! Well, it's back :-)

I ain't gonna stand in line for those 50c ice-cream cones ever again now that they did away with CHOC........................!