Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Therapy Session...again

I am on half-day leave this afternoon. Finally the day has arrived for Mong to see another speech therapist. It is just behind my office building and this therapist apparently offer weekend sessions. Whatever the outcome, thanks to DDD for helping.

He has been showing signs of improvement, however, maybe being his mother, I am not satisfied and believe he is still behind his milestone curve. I only hope sending him to a playgroup next year can accelerate his progress. This becomes my mission on top of my list - to source for a suitable (big key word) playgroup. It may involve busting some buckeroos. :P

I need to make a conscious effort not to get lost in the whirlwind of events and neglect Becks. She is growing up fast. While I cleared the drawers, I found some digital photos of the troops 2 years ago. They have grown so much. I really miss them A LOT, being babies, being toddlers...but then that was a really very tiring part of my life so most of all, I'm just glad it's moved on.

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