Friday, September 29, 2006

Kids Experimental

I woke up at 4:30am to go to the loo and couldn't fall back to sleep afterward. I found my mind spiralling to find some reason, some excuse NOT to go for long-distance business trips, mainly the upcoming one to Brazil. My heart was even beating with anxiety.

I finally got a 'taste' of it. If I were to seek for any new job, regardless of better pay and position, if I'm required to travel, I'll definitely be VERY miserable. So I really cannot compromise on this part.

The day didn't start well with Becks screaming that she didn't want to go to school for her Children's Day celebration. I literally had to drag (with coaxing of cos) her up the bus. When I fetched her back in the noon, she was all smiles again.

We had our usual time together, having lunch and tea at CP with her favourite coin-pieces of barbeque pork. I swear being with her will make me fat. The food...and the wonderful company.

How nice it will be to have a long weekend regularly...but 'twas the last company holiday for the year. Sigh.

Anyway what I saw on the way to CP was appalling. Maybe I've been too good a kid *heh* or it's been so long for me that I can't remember how adolescents can be. 2 secondary schoolboys, walking along the street shouted at 2 secondary schoolgirls whom they know apparently. They turned back and one of the boys flung an half-empty mineral waterbottle at them. The bottle smashed at the impact of cos, water spilling and they left it there, on the ground. Damn them LITTERBUGS! Then my judgement was cut short when one of the girls screamed back: "You! Chao Ch** B**!" (THAT top-notch obscenity) And the boys laughed, both couples walking in opposite directions.

I think Becks was too busy looking at something else cos she didn't comment on the scene. Luckily. I was just too stunned for words.

Then further up, I saw a group of restless students seated on the floor, passing a ciggie around.

I wonder if I'm prepared for parenthood. It's definitely not for the weak-hearted.

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