Saturday, September 30, 2006


Becks hasn't been herself lately. Not smiling as much, more snappy, more glum. I notice it gets worse when Mong goes "hug hug Mommy!". Now he's even more cute, having progressed to "kiss kiss Mommy!" I see the effects of the 'extra verbal stimulation' on Mong. It's really a lot of hard work though.

I should know jealousy being the 1st child. It never struck me as that when I was younger why I LOVED torturing my younger sister. That seeing her cry was my biggest achievement. I think my mom made it worse by being convinced that I was born with a 'black heart' (direct translation from Cantonese).

Anyway it's gonna get tougher. To NOT focus on one child. How do couples have more than 2? Speaking of this, I'm reminded to visit the Lims. 3rd child, Matthias was recently born.

PS: For those who know me well, my relationship with my sis is actually pretty good now. :)

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