Friday, September 01, 2006

Speech Therapy

With a name like "Prudence", with an office located downtown and with an accent, I did not expect Mong's 1st therapy session to be cheap.

It is pretty eye-opening as her methods to get Mong to say certain words (it's the bloody verbs that elude him!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) which we haven't been able to were effective. Well of course it had to be effective considering that speech pathology is a major and people have to pay a freakin amount of money to get an overseas BSc for it.

So sadly, my observation is true. I've read that by 26 months old, a toddler would be able to achieve this and that. Mong can't do all of it. His speech is delayed. I mean he's darn good with the nouns but he can't do verbs. And he's demonstrating echolia.

Sometimes I wish I hadn't read so much to get myself into a state of worry, panic, disappointment, etc. I mean, my mother, MIL, some aunties, even my maid assured me that their friends' or siblings' sons (hmm...mostly boys) started speaking only at the age of 3+. Mong is a pretty clever child. He has NO problems picking up the mechanics on how things work just by observing once. Maybe M is right - that our son will just grow up to be a typical engineer. All brains and no EQ. :P

ps: Many many thanks to DDD for her resourcefulness and efficiency. I need to call them to check which therapist has weekend slots. I wonder how other working mothers cope.

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