Sunday, September 10, 2006


No, it was so NOT WORTH IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I only managed to fall asleep at 6:30am....and had to wake up at about 8am.
I am not sure if it was related directly to the big cuppa TT I had but I swear it was the last time. Well, at least till the next decade.

My 15-minute nap saved my sanity.

Anyway, I also went for my much-belated eyebrow tweezing session at East Point. I am now convinced only Anita can do it. I wanted her but she wasn't free and considering it was so last minute, I decided to let this young gal, pretty and obviously a fashionista with very very bad teeth, do it. And now, I'm officially bald. The end of my left eyebrow that is.


barefoot girl said...

do consider a) draw it till it grown with
(1a)eye brow pencil
(1c)4B pencil


(1d)soak ur brows with brandy. But then again the whole company might think u are one hell of an alcoholic who need help.

didadi said...

Or like my dad,use a Black Mascara to camoflague...

Miffy said...

Thanks for the tips gal.

DDD, mascara...whose???? Your dad goes to Watsons, walks up to the cashier and pays for it? All in one cool manner? :P