Sunday, September 24, 2006

Promise fulfilled

M and I didn't forget to bring extra we did spend quality time with the troops in the pool :)

Sunday evening after dinner was spent as usual at MPH, at Becks' (or mine?) favourite section - Dr Seuss. So you figured, I didn't get to watch Singapore Idol Finals. Heh. So how ah, who's gonna win?

Saturday - let's recap.

Breakfast was with Ichiro and Dad at MacD's. The kids had a wild time playing with bubbles.

Exhausted and 2 hours later, we met up with sis and Say for lunch. It's been a long time. Good ole company I can always count on. It almost didn't materialize cos the minute sis picked us up from our place, some light came on. Not the engine light, not the fuel light. Some light...which was shining bright and WARNING that you'd better do something.

So luckily, there was a petrol kiosk nearby with an Autoserv. The gracious mechanic, despite many many cars awaiting for service, came over and checked for us. He said it was basically OK to drive 'not long distances'. Tampines seemed fine...luckily Say didn't have to take another bus to meet us at CP (still Say, thanks for not minding if you had to).

And yes Say, CONGRATS for finding a new job in a completely different line. For better or worse, at least it's a shot at a brand new beginning. Good luck!

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