Monday, July 24, 2006

Belated Cake-cutting (for sis)

Cake-cutting for sis' big 3-0 was belated this year. Cos of Becks' fever last weekend, we didn't hold it during dinner. Instead it was done on Friday.

Sis didn't want it but I pressed on. She probably doesn't understand the thrill candle-lit cakes bring to a child (Becks for this case). And of course, the joy of family gathering....,as well as, a chance to eat Awfully Chocolate cakes again (haha, so this IS my hidden agenda huh).

Weekend was the usual. In the end, I didn't attend Katherine's son's one-month celebration. Just didn't feel like it. Instead we went to my in-law's place at Marine Parade where I could have the chance to taste the char kway teow again. I crunched on a couple of crispy lard and felt that my life just lost by a few years. :P

Speaking of that, WB (or "Bong" known to some of my sec school friends since we were 14) emailed that her friend died of heart attack suddenly at the age of 37. She sent me and Serene a heart-warming email suggesting more frequent breakfast meetings at Compass Point. Close friends and family are most important. We never know when the last day of our lives is.

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