Friday, July 21, 2006

Toilet Training

No, I haven't started with Mong yet. Initially I was worried why he hasn't shown any signs of readiness yet at his age (Jiejie was completely toilet-trained in the day by age 2). But I did recall my friends who have sons, telling me that they did not rid the diapers in the day till their boys were above 3-4. This is consoling.

So anyway, I came across this article which was very useful.

Does it really take longer to toilet train boys than girls?

Yes, although no one, including expert T. Berry Brazelton, seems to know why....(blah blah blah)

How do I teach my son to pee standing up? Once your child has mastered going to the bathroom sitting down, he can advance to trying the standing position. Having a readily available male role model is key. Arrange for your son to follow Dad, an uncle, or family friend to the bathroom to watch him in the act. When your son seems to understand how to do it, let him give it a go, perhaps into his own potty chair while standing next to the big toilet.

If he seems reluctant, try floating a few Cheerios or other small, flushable objects (some companies sell products just for this purpose) in the toilet bowl for target practice. Be prepared to do some cleanup around the toilet since it may take him some time to master the skill (practice makes perfect).

Cheerios???? OK, if friends happen to visit and see some Cheerios or chocolate bits or raisins (I think chocolate bits and raisins are a bad idea...they look like shit from a person who is let me think what Mong's favourite snacks are...) floating in my toilet bowl, please dun misunderstand for poor house-keeping. It's simply that I have begun my mission with Mong. ;)

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