Monday, July 03, 2006

Do the blues get to you?

How do radio DJs do it? They sound so sickeningly chirpy regardless the time and day of the week.

There I was, slumped in the seat of the bus (I bet with my dead-panned look - if :B were in Singapore now and saw me, she would be able to confirm so), mind in a daze. System launches today for the rest of the vendors. The project team members didn't want it to happen. What with all the bugs and manpower issue, it isn't a realistic call to make.

But the bosses! Never do, dunno what is bad yet. Damn them!

4 years ago, I had the luxury to watch any match of World Cup 2002 and at any time I want.
Today, I hear the results from M who get them from his Blackberry. So pathetic.

Brazil is out.

Not that it affects me at all. But I guess for the thrill of it, I would watch the finals...and hope the predictable team - Germany - doesn't win. Lala.

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