Thursday, July 06, 2006

Bosses: Female vs Male

Most of us would shudder at the thought of reporting to a female boss. Word association - PMS.

I am perfectly accepting to my current boss (he's Japanese, remember?). Afterall it's been 3 years. 3 years is usually the window to decide if the relationship is heading anywhere. Well, this one is still on the right track.

But I realised the difficult part is handling a male's ego. You dun agree with what they say or how they plan, you can't express it too strongly. If you do express, you have to choose the right which time, half the meaning is lost and half your brain cells are wiped out. So you choose the easy way out - to shut up.

Finally last evening, he spoke to me about the transfer of the 2 gals in my team to the other side. I thought he was agreeable to the idea. But as Japanese would be, they spend another 10-15 min going one full circle and finally I grasp the story - NO, he doesn't want them transferred.

Another 20 min was spent blah blah-ing.

I am FOR the transfer but I know that no matter how I reasoned, how much I reasoned, dun want means dun want.

DAMN. Win liao lor.

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