Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Civic-mindedness (in the office)

I walked into the pantry to warm up my soya bean milk when I saw so much crumbs on the table top. Tsk tsk...

Last time, there had been coffee stains, unwashed containers, mouldy bread, long-expired yoghurt in the fridge. Then there were used sanitary pads found inside the dustbin outside the cubicles of the female toilet...this really set off the cleaner who complained to CF.

After a few complaints and even a self-made notice (by Admin) aimed to remind females to dispose their used sanitary pads properly, the episode finally stopped.

I just can't understand that some person/people in the same office would be this daft?! CF's dirty job I guess. To spot check and to send mass emails which all of us dread to receive and read.

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